StatBar 96 - v2.00.0028 Beta 2 release notes - 6/4/96 ---------------------------------------------------------- StatBar is a utility to view free system resources and drive space, as well as an application launcher. It is being released as freeware (note that freeware DOES NOT mean public domain...see the legal section below for more details). No registration fee is required, but we'd appreciate sending us your name, address and e-mail address if you plan to continue to use this software. This information is for our records only and we will NEVER give out or sell the information, for any reason. If you do wish to send a registration fee to us anyway, send what you feel the program is worth to you. All money will be used to upgrade our development tools to further enhance StatBar 96 and other programs we're working on. Make checks or money orders payable to David M. Fornalsky. Remember, however, that no registration fee is required. __________________________________________________________ Installation: StatBar 96 has been tested on Windows 95, but should run correctly on both Win95 and Windows NT 3.51. It will not run on previous versions of Windows, including Win32s, or on Windows NT 3.5 or earlier. To install StatBar 96, uncompress the zip file that contains the program and run SETUP.EXE. To uninstall StatBar 96, go to the Control Panel and select 'Add/Remove Programs'. From the resulting dialog box select StatBar 96 and click the 'Add/Remove...' button. The software will automatically be removed. __________________________________________________________ Description of features: Application Launcher: The first tab on the StatBar called 'Programs' is the application launcher. To add an application, click the 'Add' button and select the program you wish to add. To move a program up or down in the list, or to change the name or remove it from the list, click the 'Edit' button. To launch an application, simply double-click on it's name. Drive Monitor: The second tab contains a list of free space for all the drives in your system or mapped from a network. To refesh the list click the 'Update' button. For more information about a specific drive, double-click on it or select the 'Info' button. Options Dialog: * 'Warn on exit' will display a warning before shutting down or logging off of Windows, or before rebooting your PC. If this box is unchecked, any of the above actions will be performed immediately without double checking. * 'Chromatic status bar colors' will display the free resource percentage bars using a smooth color transition from green to yellow to red. Unchecked, the status bars will be displayed using only the three solid colors, green if the resources are good, yellow if they're half used or red if they're low. * Free drive space can be displayed in megabytes or as a percentage, depending on the option you choose. * Automatic update will update the drive list after a number of seconds or minutes that you choose. __________________________________________________________ New in Beta 2: * Automatic drive update is now functional * Error traps are in place * 'Always on top' option added * Right-click options in the Application tab Features not yet implemented: * What's This? help is not functional * On-line help is not functional Features to be implemented in the future: * Sizable window * Ignore user selected drives for free space display * Audible warnings for low drive space * YOUR SUGGESTIONS! __________________________________________________________ Known problems: * Icons incorrectly displayed in app launcher: Your video driver may not be fully Win95 compatible. Contact your video board manufacturer for updated Win95 drivers. * Icons do not properly refresh after 'Add' or 'Edit': It has been noted that very infrequently after adding a new application to the launcher, or editing an existing one, the icons don't properly refresh and disappear. This, so far, has not been able to be reproduced. If you experience this problem please send use a bug report. The workaround is to simply edit and existing app and then click 'Done'. The icons should then properly refresh. __________________________________________________________ Bug Reports: Send any bug reports to Cygnus Productions at: Internet E-mail: World Wide Web: Be sure to include a simple description of the hardware you're running StatBar 96 on (e.g., Dell model xxx with 16Mb RAM, Pentium 120MHz), and your operating system (Win95 or NT 3.51). Also include a list of hardware in your PC that you might think is contributing to the problem. Include steps to reproduce the problem if possible. Also make sure to include your e-mail address so we can contact you if necessary. __________________________________________________________ Things to test in this release: Our current primary concern is the install and uninstall process. Please, install StatBar 96, try out it's different features, and uninstall it. Let us know if the process failed or didn't go smoothly. Try different things out and give us your feedback. Is the reboot process going smoothly for you? Is the application launcher functioning correctly? Was anything mispelled? Poke around and let us know. Those who help us fix the most problems will get their names in the final release's credits. __________________________________________________________ Legal Goodies: StatBar 96 is ©Copyright 1994-96, Cygnus Productions. All Rights Reserved. The Cygnus Productions logo is a trademark of Cygnus Productions. Cygnus Productions retains all rights over all aspects of the StatBar 96 program. StatBar 96 is being released as Freeware. It may be used by individuals or companies at no cost as long as the software remains unmodified. Modification to the software, and any files included with it, without the written permission of Cygnus Productions is strictly prohibited. StatBar is NOT public domain software. It may not be resold for profit, or included in or with any other software without the written permission of Cygnus Productions. The program code may not be decompiled, reverse engineered or reused for any reason. Because this program is being released for free, Cygnus Productions cannot be held liable for any problems or damage this program may cause to your computer. Use it at your own risk.